Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: David Chester Carvalho Barros

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : David Chester Carvalho Barros
DATE: 29/08/2023
TIME: 15:00
LOCAL: Online, por meio de webconferência

Deviations from Rationality and Sense of Fairness in Decision-Making Within Organizations


Halo effect; Bounded rationality; Fairness; Decision-making process

BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Administração

Theme: research on the relationship between the Halo Effect and the perception of justice in decision makers.

Objective: To investigate a possible relationship between cognitive effects and the perception of justice

Rationale: Bounded rationality, proposed by Herbert Simon (1984), holds that individuals have finite cognitive abilities and face limitations in the search for the optimal solution in complex situations, resulting in the adoption of simplified strategies and satisfactory decisions. Heuristics and biases, studied by Kahneman and Tversky (1974), are mental shortcuts used to speed up the decision process, but they can lead to systematic distortions, such as overestimating or underestimating probabilities, generating systematic errors in judgment. The halo effect, in turn, refers to the tendency of a positive or negative impression on a specific characteristic of a person to influence the general perception of him, even if this perception is not fully justified by other evidence. Finally, the perception of justice, anchored in theories of social psychology and moral philosophy, highlights the importance of equitable criteria in decision-making and evaluations, where the perception of fair treatment can be subjective and significantly affect the attitudes and behaviors of individuals in different social situations. These concepts are interconnected and demonstrate the complexity and relevance of the cognitive and social dynamics that shape human behavior in different contexts.

Method: The study will adopt a survey approach, based on the replication and adaptation of the questions investigated in a previous study entitled "Fairness as a Constraint on Profit Seeking", carried out by Daniel Kahneman, Jack Knetsch and Richard Thaler in 1986. The target population will be composed of (human) decision-making agents working in companies located in Brazil, who may be exposed to cognitive effects. Data collection will take place from October to December 2023, using an expected sample of 100 participants. Data analysis will be carried out quantitatively, with the research following a descriptive approach and the use of hypothesis tests to evaluate the results. In order to identify patterns related to the Halo Effect and the perception of justice, the answers to the questionnaires will be coded and categorized, using the SPSS Software.

Main expected results: confirmation of the alternative hypothesis, namely: (H0) The halo effect has no consequences on the perception of justice; (H1) The halo effect has a consequence on the perception of justice.

Potential contributions: This study is expected to provide important insights into managers' decision-making processes and how the Halo Effect and the perception of fairness can influence their decisions and the organization's performance. In addition, the results obtained may contribute to the development of more effective management strategies, aiming to minimize cognitive biases and promote fairer decision-making within organizations.

Notícia cadastrada em: 21/08/2023 13:43
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