Banca de DEFESA: Anna Karolina Vilela Freitas

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DISCENTE : Anna Karolina Vilela Freitas
DATA : 13/03/2020
HORA: 14:00
LOCAL: Campus VI

Development of a method for the extraction of collagen from the waste of the frog meat industry and evaluation of the product for industrial use


Collagen. Extraction. Bullfrog.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Exatas e da Terra
ÁREA: Química
SUBÁREA: Físico-Química

Collagen is a fibrous protein capable of providing resistance and elasticity to the anatomical structures which are present as a constituent. Several uses can be attributed to collagen materials, which stand out in the cosmetics, food and pharmaceutical industries. Most collagen is extracted from mammalian leather. However, the outbreak of diseases in this type of animal leads us to the need to seek alternative sources for obtaining it. Among the potential substitutes, amphibians stand out, specifically the bullfrog. With the increase in the consumption of this animal, a noble waste is generated, little used, which needs adequate disposal options. The present work aims to propose an efficient method for the extraction of collagen from bullfrog residue and to evaluate it's performance as a substitute for collagen in mammals. Collagen extraction was successfully performed, with an average yield of 0.01353 g / g of skin. The products obtained were characterized by FTIR, TG and DSC, presenting characteristic results for a collagen sample, according to the literature. The pH varied from 4 to 6.5 and the average ash content was less than 2%. The mechanical behavior of the collagen film was obtained by the traction test. The content of total nitrogen and crude protein in the skins, feet and extracted collagen was determined, with an average value of 57.4% for skin collagen and 55.7% for feet collagen. The results show that it is possible to obtain hydrolyzed collagen from the skin of a bullfrog. The product presented interesting characteristics that are prerequisites for applications in various industrial sectors.

Externa à Instituição - CAMILA SILVA BREY GIL
Notícia cadastrada em: 09/03/2020 18:35
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