Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 20/08/2020
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Remoto

I just wanted to be in a ordinary family.

The discursive representations os Brazilian family in advertising


Advertising Discourse. Semiolinguistics, Family Arrangements.

                            Multimodality. The Visual Design Grammar.

PAGES: 245
BIG AREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
AREA: Lingüística
SUBÁREA: Teoria e Análise Lingüística

This research analyzes the interrelation between verbal and non-verbal language in the construction of the discursive representations of the Brazilian family in advertising pieces. To verify this verb-visual weave, we used two theories that consider the act of language as a testament to the sociocultural practices of a society: Grammar of Visual Design by Kress; Van Leeuwen and Charaudeau's Semiolinguistics. The verbal and visual semiosis create power relationships, build identities and spread ideologies, beliefs and values. Therefore, we seek to identify in the advertisements and in the advertising contract, the elements capable of, facing an increasingly globalized and competitive market, printing persuasive matrices as the main communication tool between supplier and consumer. In doing so, the advertisers seek to make their product an odd differentiator, in order to attract more buyers. We investigate the verbal and / or visual language in each piece, we ascertain the visual interaction and relationship with the purpose of convincing and seducing the viewer through advertising. For the analysis of the corpus, we follow the methodological procedures recommended by the theories adopted in order to observe how the other family arrangements are being transmitted by television advertisements. This is due to the results of researches that point to a significant growth of differentiated families, which distance themselves from the stereotype of the classic family structure, called traditional. Recognizing their relevance, especially in a consumer society, advertising demonstrates the importance of these individuals, coming from postmodern families, at the same time, in which it seeks to include them as consumers. The data reveal that the intertwining between the verbal and visual languages of the text occurs in a strategically planned way in all ads, with the purpose of taking advantage of the significant benefits of each semiosis and of the joining between the two languages in order to convince and seduce the audience-target pertinent to these family configurations. The analysis of the discursive practice revealed that the different families are represented by advertising through an articulation interested in protective, responsible, affective and emotional and financial competence speeches, which positions them as beneficiaries in the acquisition of the most diverse products. The textual analysis of the advertisements pointed out that the family conveyed is always represented in a positive and replicating way of a model considered ideal heteronormative, even when it portrays homo-affective relationships. The analysis of the data, on the other hand, revealed that the participation of different family arrangements in television advertising is shown in a timid way by the producers, who only exhibit the most accepted standards. In their plays, they exalt the idealization of representations, the naturalization of socially approved behaviors and the encouragement of consumerist attitudes. The results demonstrate the importance of the image in the stage of persuasion, and how the use of narrative strategies, as well as interactional and composition resources create a certain intimacy with the viewer who identifies with the piece, being moved.

Externa à Instituição - WILIANE VIRIATO ROLIM - IFPB

Notícia cadastrada em: 10/08/2020 16:28
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