Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: Alzira Alice de Souza

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DISCENTE : Alzira Alice de Souza
DATA : 30/09/2019
HORA: 17:30
LOCAL: Auditório 101 do DECOM, prédio 17, 1º andar, Campus II do CEFET-MG, Av. Amazonas, 7675, BH

Market Dynamics and Decision to Interact Between Actors: an analysis of the “Comida di Buteco” event


Assemblage Theory; “Comida di Buteco”; Market Dynamics; Decision Making

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
ÁREA: Administração

The gastronomic market is on the rise in Brazil, and arouses interest for this research project for its shape, content and results, and one of the initiatives that fosters this market in Minas Gerais are the gastronomic meetings that involve a range of actors brought together to consolidate the market and achieve greater coverage in cities. The event “Comida di Buteco” that takes place in Belo Horizonte 20 years ago, attracts tourists, entrepreneurs, participants and investors and is already a replicated franchise in other cities of Brazil. However, it must be borne in mind that the factors that influence the decision of the organizers, sponsors and entrepreneurs to interact at the event are different, and the factors that influence the consumers' decision to participate. As markets present themselves as complex social systems, and made up of actors and institutions that interact in structures and dynamics, actively shaping and being shaped by them, it becomes relevant to understand the relationships of multiple levels of analysis. Inspired by Deleuze and Guattari(1988) e  Delanda (2006), this assemblage represents a multiplicity composed of many heterogeneous terms that establish links and relationships between them. Considering this, the question sought in this research is: How do the interactions between the various actors involved in the gastronomic event “Comida di Buteco” affect the evolution of the gastronomic market of the city of Belo Horizonte / MG? What components and levels of iteration influence the decision to participate? To answer this question, a qualitative, descriptive, documentary and field research is employed. Data will be collected through the use of different instruments such as non-participant observation, semi-structured interviews with the various actors involved in the event and netnography. The main expected results are the factors that influence the components of this assemblage in the decisions to interact within the scope of the “Comida di Buteco” event and how these decisions affect the success of the “Comida di Buteco” event and the impact on the gastronomic market. Belo Horizonte. The data will be analyzed in light of the Assemblage Theory.

Externa à Instituição - TANIA CRISTINA TEIXEIRA - PUCMinas
Notícia cadastrada em: 25/09/2019 18:20
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