Banca de DEFESA: Fernando José de Sousa Junior

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Fernando José de Sousa Junior
DATE: 30/08/2023
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Online, por meio de webconferência

Political-Party Criteria Dominance in Appointments to Trusted Positions: a study of the network of appointed professionals in the Direct Administration of the Executive Branch of the State of Minas Gerais


Social Network Analysis (SNA); Public administration; Commissioned Positions; Party Affiliation; Decision Making Process

PAGES: 126
BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Administração

The dynamics of appointment processes for commissioned positions in the public sector raise questions about the criteria used in the selection of contracted professionals. Additionally, issues arise that have the potential to impact internal control mechanisms, considering elements linked to governance and governability in the context of public administration. It is important to note that one of the widely disseminated expectations in analyses of appointments to positions of trust within the bureaucracy suggests the predominance of party criteria. The aim of this research is to analyze the potential relationships between the autonomy granted to the public manager in the process of selecting trusted professionals, with an emphasis on the implications of appointments when considering these individuals' party affiliations. In this context, this study investigated the appointment process for commissioned positions in the public sector, analyzing the selection criteria and their implications for internal controls and public administration governance. To achieve this, individuals within the network formed by commissioners assigned to positions in the 'Direct Administration and Advisory Group of the Executive Branch – DAD' were identified based on their location and hierarchical level within the organic structure of the State of Minas Gerais. Connections between these agents were defined according to the agencies and secretariats where they worked simultaneously. The analysis in this study focused on the types and degrees of party power over time, based on the identification of individuals registered with political parties. For this purpose, centrality measures of these commissioners within this network during the period from 2012 to 2021 were considered. Furthermore, the possibility of ideologically oriented flows was investigated in accordance with the shifts in political-party power presented in the State. A quantitative methodology with a descriptive objective was adopted, utilizing social network analysis tools. The results revealed that the mere party affiliation of commissioners within this sphere of the State's public administration is associated with different forms of power within the network, such as greater connectivity, influence, and prestige. However, individually, affiliation with the ruling party or a more representative ideological spectrum did not significantly impact the distribution of power related to the position of these commissioners within the network, although in certain periods, some ideological similarity between the ruling party and the most representative party groups could be observed. It is important to underscore that the results of this research serve as an instrumental foundation for public administration to develop controls and mitigate the possibility of catering to individual interests at the expense of societal interests, should there be an intention to alter the optimal decision to be made. Moreover, this study contributes to those engaged in the challenges faced within governmental spheres.

Externa à Instituição - KAMILA PAGEL DE OLIVEIRA - FJP
Notícia cadastrada em: 22/08/2023 16:30
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