Banca de DEFESA: Renato Pereira Aurelio

Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Renato Pereira Aurelio
DATE: 30/09/2020
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: online - RNP vicenteparreiras

For a Pedagogical Architecture for Hybrid Education at Federal Institute of Espírito Santo (IFES): Adoption of a VLE for teaching Portuguese Language, from the perspective of Complex Adaptive Systems and Social Network at a vocational course


Complex Adaptive Systems; Portuguese Language Teaching; VocationalTechnical Education at High School Level; Hybrid Education; VLE.

PAGES: 463
BIG AREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
AREA: Letras

In this study, located in the transdisciplinary field of Applied Linguistics, we sought to investigate the potential of digital information and communication technologies and Distance Education for face-to-face teaching, converging to Hybrid Education, in view of the teaching and learning processes of Portuguese language in VocationalTechnical Education at High School Level (VTEHSL). In this sense, it is reflected on the implementation of a virtual room - elaborated under the parameters of Pedagogical Design - with its interactive and multisemiotic aspects, favoring the educational practices of Portuguese Language. Based on the description of the trajectory of distance education, the characteristics (resources and modes of interaction) in each historical moment are identified, culminating in the ubiquitous and pervasive condition of the Sixth Wave of distance education. It presents the contextualization of the Digital Era and cyberculture, which underlie the emergence of Hybrid Education. Then, the importance of Professional and Technological Education in Brazil is discussed, retrieving the social role of the Federal School System, with the constitution of Federal Institutes (including Ifes), as part of a set of public policies for the democratization of education, in a system that includes the Montanha campus, in which the study was carried out. Thus, to approach the institutionalization process of Distance Education and Hybrid Education in the Federal School System and Ifes, characterizing the existence of a relational pedagogical model, which supports a Pedagogical Architecture for the Hybrid Education. Then, some types of virtual learning environments are described, focusing on the Moodle Platform, used for the prototyping of the virtual classroom for the Portuguese language component within the third year of the Technical Course in Integrated Agriculture, offered at the Montanha campus. To this end, the Digital Language and Technologies Project (DLTP) was implemented, based on the foundation of the study on some curricular frameworks that recommend Portuguese Language teaching based on digital technologies and Hybrid Education, among which, the Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais do Ensino Médio, Base Nacional Comum Curricular, and the Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais for TVEHSL. From a qualitative approach, the procedures of case study and action research were applied in the development of the investigation, following the creative and collaborative perspective of Design Thinking and its stages. In the assessments of DLTP by stakeholders, the interactional aspects that characterize AVA as a Complex Adaptive System and as a Social Network were considered. The interfaces generated in the Moodle Platform, under the usability demands, graphic design, and human factors, were analyzed from this perspective, considering the mobilized reference. The results of the research point to a productive use of the virtual classroom, in view of the empathy of the professors of the Montanha campus, as well as the approval of the class mentioned and the respective Portuguese language teacher, regarding participation in the DLTP. With the appropriation of Pedagogical Architecture for Hybrid Education and the relational pedagogical model, it was possible to establish a theoretical repertoire and practical experiences of Portuguese language teaching in the context of the Digital Era, which collaborated to understand the multimodal aspects of language use in cyberspace, enabling, especially to students, learning anchored in digital literacy.

Externa à Instituição - CRISTHIANE FERREGUETT - UNEB
Externo à Instituição - JOÃO RODRIGUES
Notícia cadastrada em: 21/09/2020 08:42
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