Banca de DEFESA: Antônio Márcio Brangioni

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Antônio Márcio Brangioni
DATE: 18/12/2020
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Online, por meio de videoconferência

Pleasure and Suffering at Work: the impacts on the justice officials' decisions in a judicial district in Minas Gerais state


Psychodynamics of labor; Justice officials; Decision making

PAGES: 113
BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Administração

This study proposes to understand on the activity of Justice Officials at Minas Gerais state, in the context of Psychodynamic of Work, evaluating their experiences of pleasure and suffering and their impacts on decision-making processes. It emphasizes that the work carried out by the Officials is characterized by a context with a complex nature of situations and emotions that they have to deal with daily, with no support from the district administration or the TJMG. Theoretical support for this study is: The Psychodynamics Theory of Work, based on the studies of Dejours (1994) and Mendes (2007), which assesses man's resistance to the reality of symbolic, social, political and economic domination present in work environments; and Bounded Rationality Theory, which study the limited nature of the human in face of decision-making processes. This work, along its development, seeks to guide the following research question: How are the experiences of pleasure and suffering by Justice Official in judicial district in Minas Gerais, and how this influence their decision-making? The search for these answers was guided by qualitative and quantitative studies, through the application of ITRA and socio-demographic surveys, in addition to individual interviews with some employees, with the purpose of clarifying and qualifying the quantitative analyzes. As a result, a negative evaluation was observed regarding dimensions studied, showing an illness process on employees, and which has influenced decision making and consequently the quality of the Judiciary service. Results obtained from the sociodemographic survey, initially served to contextualize the study, and later were treated together with results obtained from all ITRA scales. Complementing these analyses, categories and subcategories were defined, based on the major groups of ITRA, as well as sense cores. Analyzes of each factor of ITRA scales were exemplified with excerpts from the testimonies obtained through individual interviews, supporting quantitative results. The study showed a negative assessment regarding the various dimensions investigated, with all ITRA scales rated as critical or serious, showing a process of illness among professionals that has influenced decision-making and, consequently, the provision of the service in the Judiciary. Given this scenario, it is recommended a serious reflection by district administration or even the TJMG, in order to develop mechanisms to improve the health and quality of life of Justice Officials.

Externa à Instituição - KAMILA PAGEL DE OLIVEIRA - FJP
Notícia cadastrada em: 11/12/2020 17:52
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