Banca de DEFESA: Débora Dias Resende

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Débora Dias Resende
DATE: 01/12/2022
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Online, por meio de webconferência

The Decision-Making Process of a Cooperative in Minas Gerais: a case study in the light of the cooperative principles and the theory of communicative action


Solidarity Economy; Cooperativism; Decision-Making Process; Cooperative Principles; Theory of Communicative Action

PAGES: 190
BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Administração

The general objective of this dissertation is to analyze how the decision-making process of the Cooperative of Family Farmers of Poço Fundo and Region (COOPFAM) is carried out in light of the cooperative principles and the theory of communicative action (TAC). The cooperative principles, elaborated by the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) in 1995, should govern the operation of each and every cooperative, which are: voluntary and free membership; democratic management; economic participation of members; autonomy and independence; education, training, and information; inter-cooperation or cooperation among cooperatives; and interest for the community. The theory of communicative action, proposed by Habermas (2012a, 2012b), counteracts instrumental reason, highlights language as a tool to achieve understanding between individuals and emancipation. Although contributive, the theory of communicative action is little explored by organizational studies due to its complexity and Habermas' focus on theoretical construction, not presenting empirical demonstrations that overcome the conceptual barrier, which makes this research relevant. Cooperatives are considered to be organizations that propagate the solidarity economy, which should prioritize solidarity and human relations. The study uses these aspects because it understands that they contribute to their decision making process, keeping them solidary. Based on this idea, the theoretical framework is built, presenting two main topics: Solidarity Economy (SE) and Cooperativism; Decision Making Process and Theory of Communicative Action, respectively. For the methodological path, a qualitative approach was chosen, of descriptive character, carrying out a case study in the cooperative COOPFAM. Data collection occurred by means of semi-structured interviews, document research, and informal conversation. In total there were eleven interviews, ten cooperative members and one collaborator. Due to the pandemic, they were given online. To treat the collected data, content analysis was used. The analysis showed that the cooperative is characterized as a solidarity organization, but the dissemination about the solidarity economy needs to be worked on inside it aiming at the strengthening of this movement. In relation to its decision-making process it was observed that the cooperative follows the Brazilian legislative guidelines, however it is not limited to these, adding mechanisms in its decision-making process that make it democratic-participatory, and provides the presence of cooperative principles, communicative rationality, and communicative action in COOPFAM's decision-making process. We also identified in the organization management decisions characterized as non-democratic, and coercive actions imposed by means of punishments to cooperative members who do not comply with the cooperative's statute and by-laws, such as unjustified absences from assemblies and nucleus meetings. These aspects contradict the theory of communicative action, and it is necessary to remedy them in order to intensify it within the organization. The results of the research show that the cooperative characterized as solidary provides the rationality and the communicative action in its decision-making process, but it is not exempt from problems and dilemmas faced by managers and business organizations. The study does not aim to solve them, but to expose them so that there can be a reflection process about their presence in organizations that practice the solidarity economy, the cooperative principles, and the theory of communicative action.

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